Associate Professor (Teaching), Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) (F.Arch, HKU), and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK)
Mathew is an Associate Professor (Teaching), Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) (F.Arch, HKU), and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK).
He teaches courses in sustainable practices, landscape design and landscape construction technologies. His research addresses issues of the role of urban agriculture, urban greening, public space and walkability, and the development of new pedagogical approaches for landscape architecture. He is a recipient of a Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (USA) Excellence in Teaching Award (2019), and both the UGC Teaching (Team) Award 2019 and HKU Teaching Excellence Team Award (2018) for his teaching development work on transdisciplinary learning.
Mathew is a Registered Landscape Architect in Hong Kong and the UK, and is a Fellow of the HKILA. His 20+ years as a practicing landscape architect in Hong Kong has included leading roles in several largescale projects such as the Hong Kong Wetland Park project and Hong Kong Disneyland, and long running initiatives in the landscape remediation of degraded landscapes.
Mathew is author of the ‘Edible Roof’ book based on his teaching and research relating to Urban Rooftop Farms.