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Asia Miles Living & Wellness

x Rooftop Republic

Event Terms & Conditions

  1. Asia Miles earned are limited for the participant (“Participant”) who joined the event. Transfer or exchanged Asia Miles for cash with other parties will result in forfeiture of the right to receive Asia Miles.

  2. If the Participant is not an Asia Miles member, please sign up at for free.

  3. Following confirmation of successful payment and all required information, Asia Miles will be credited to the member's Asia Miles account 6-8 weeks after completing the event.

  4. Asia Miles membership numbers and name of the Asia Miles member must match the membership numbers recorded in the Asia Miles database. Members are responsible for ensuring the correct membership number is provided. Failure to comply, wrong or missing of information will result in forfeiture of the right to earn Asia Miles. If Participant does not settle 100% of the event fee in full, no Asia Miles can be earned.

  5. If Participant decides to withdraw 7 or more days prior to the event date, Rooftop Republic Urban Farming will retain 20% of event fee as administration fee. If Participant decides to withdraw less than 7 days prior to the event date, Rooftop Republic Urban Farming will retain 100% of the event fee.

  6. Events may be postponed or rescheduled due to poor weather conditions. Rooftop Republic Urban Farming reserves the right to cancel events.

  7. If Rooftop Republic cancel the event, Participant will be entitled to a 100% refund, or Participant may choose to transfer to another event date, subject to availability.

  8. Participants will need to safeguard their own belongings. Asia Miles Limited, Rooftop Republic or venue will not be held responsible for any loss or damage of any personal property.

  9. Participating in the event means Participant agrees to grant Asia Miles Limited and Rooftop Republic Urban Farming the right to record photos of the Participants and use them for other promotional purposes. Asia Miles Limited and Rooftop Republic Urban Farming reserve the right to change the terms and conditions or terminate the Promotion at any time without prior notice.

  10. Other Asia Miles terms and conditions apply. Please visit for details.

  11. In case of any dispute, the decision of Asia Miles Limited and Rooftop Republic Urban Farming shall be final.

  12. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.



  1. 「亞洲萬里通」里數只限活動參加者(「參加者」)本人賺取,里數奬賞並不得轉贈他人或兌換為現金。如有發現,該里數奬賞將會被取消。

  2. 參加者必須同時為「亞洲萬里通」會員,如參加者尚未成為「亞洲萬里通」會員,可於 免費加入成為會員。

  3. 在支付成功及資料充足的情況下,「亞洲萬里通」里數將於會員完成課程後6至8個星期內存入其「亞洲萬里通」會員賬戶。

  4. 「亞洲萬里通」會員登記之「亞洲萬里通」會員號碼須與「亞洲萬里通」紀錄之會員號碼及姓名相符。會員有責任確保提交之會員號碼正確;如有錯誤或遺漏將不能賺取「亞洲萬里通」里數;如參加者並沒有全數支付100%的活動費用,則不能賺取任何「亞洲萬里通」里數。

  5. 如參加者在活動前7天或更之前退出,雲耕一族將收取活動費用的20%作為行政費。如參加者在活動前不到7天退出,雲耕一族將收取100%的活動費用。

  6. 如遇惡劣天氣,活動可能會被延遲或重新安排。雲耕一族保留取消活動的權利。

  7. 如果雲耕一族取消活動,參加者將獲得100%退款,參加者或者可以選擇另一活動日期,視情況而定。

  8. 參與者需要保護自己的財物,對於任何個人財產的任何損失或損壞,亞洲萬里通有限公司及雲耕一族不承擔任何責任。

  9. 每位參加者參與此活動即表示同意亞洲萬里通有限公司及雲耕一族進行拍攝,及使用他/她的相片用作其他宣傳用途。亞洲萬里通有限公司及雲耕一族保留隨時更改此等條款及細則或終止此推廣活動的權利,恕不另行通知。

  10. 須受其他「亞洲萬里通」條款及細則約束。如欲了解更多,請瀏覽

  11. 如有任何爭議,概以亞洲萬里通有限公司及雲耕一族的最終決定為準。

  12. 本條款及細則之英、中文版本如有任何差別,一概以英文版本為準。


© 2019 Rooftop Republic Co. Limited

© 2020 Rooftop Republic Co. Limited

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