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Curry Leaf
(Murraya koenigii)
Growing Facts
Year Round Growing Season
At least 6 hours of full sun a day
In the summer, water the plant every 2-3 days and keep tabs
In the fall season, watering is needed only on weekly basis.
A pot that's at least 4–6 inches (10–15 cm) tall and 3–4 inches (7.6–10.2 cm) wide, depends on seeding size.
Space about 4-5 feet apart
Fun Facts
Curry leaves are rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene, which also often used in Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicine. The ancient method of mixing curry leaves with fresh lime juice and sugar is also used to alleviate symptoms of pregnancy sickness.
Curry Leaves are smooth and shiny, and the aroma is unique. Besides the citrus scent, there is also an indescribable smell, some say it is like the Indian spice asafoetida, and some people think it is like star anise. In "Classic Indian Cooking" curry leaves are described as "a little bitter, a little sweet, with a strong aroma like lemongrass."
澆水量: 適量
在夏季,每 2-3 天給植物澆水一次
種植容器至少一個高約 4-6 英寸(10-15 厘米)、寬約 3-4 英寸(7.6-10.2 厘米)
咖哩葉富含維生素 C 及 β-胡蘿蔔素,在印度傳統醫學阿育吠陀 (Ayurveda) 中,含有大量抗氧化物的咖哩葉就被經常使用。古法也將咖哩葉拌入加了糖的新鮮萊姆汁,用來緩和孕期害喜的症狀。
咖哩葉片光滑亮澤,香氣十足而獨特。除了柑橘氣息,還有一股難以確切形容的氣味,有人說像印度香料阿魏 (asafoetida),也有人覺得像八角。在《Classic Indian Cooking》中,咖哩葉被形容為「有點苦、有點甜,帶有檸檬香茅般強烈的香氣。」
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