Executive Director and Head of Group Strategic Marketing & Communications, DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
Glendy Chu is Executive Director and Head of Group Strategic Marketing & Communications (GSMC). She joined DBS in 2008 and heads the GSMC department in Hong Kong.
Her responsibilities in DBS include corporate communications, media relations, social media, issues and crisis management, corporate branding and sponsorships, internal communications and Corporate Social Responsibility.
DBS is committed to building lasting relationships with customers, and positively impacting communities through supporting social enterprises (SE) across Asia. As the Head of GSMC, she started promoting SE in 2008 in Hong Kong, then progressed to SE incubation and advancement, focusing on social innovation.
With over two decades of corporate communication expertise, Glendy has a proven track record of rebuilding the corporate reputation and bringing brands to the next level during times of crisis, including renowned Hong Kong brands Disneyland and Ocean Park. Prior to that, she worked in financial institutions including UBS and Bank of America (Asia).
Glendy holds a Bachelor of Social Science degree from the University of Hong Kong.
朱伊蓮女士為星展銀行(香港) 有限公司執行董事兼集團推廣策略與傳訊部總監,在2008年加盟星展。朱女士負責星展銀行之企業傳訊、傳媒關係、危機處理、品牌推廣、企業贊助、內部傳訊及履行企業社會責任等職務。
星展致力發展長遠的客戶關係,亦希望透過支援亞洲社企,為社區帶來正面影響。作為集團推廣策略與傳訊部總監,朱女士於2008 年起已致力推動社企發展、培訓及優化現有社企,於近年更專注推動社會創新。
擁有超過20年的企業傳訊經驗,朱女士曾為香港迪士尼樂園傳媒關係總監及香港海洋公園公共事務部主管,善於重建品牌形象。朱女士亦曾於瑞士銀行(UBS) 及美國銀行 (亞洲) 工作。
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