Urban Farm Tour
Rooftop Yoga

Part of the MetroGreen Summer Wellness Workshop & Farmers' Market series, the Urban Farm Tour & Rooftop Yoga session brings you both the fun of learning about growing our own organic food in the city, as well as engage yourself in an introductory class of yoga right in the middle of a rooftop farm!
Part 1: Urban Farm Tour
Your afternoon will kick off with a guided tour and introduction to the 13,000 square ft rooftop organic farm at Metroplaza, and an overview into the types of crops that can be grown in the Hong Kong summer climate. With more than 20 varieties of crops growing at the rooftop, you'll be amazed by the potential of what we can grow even in such a densely built up city like Hong Kong!
Part 2: Rooftop Yoga
Immerse yourself in the oasis of the city, soak in nature and the energy of urban life with a introduction to yoga with Instructor Alison Yu. Delivered in a unique outdoor and green setting, our rooftop yoga session is inspired by traditional hot yoga set sequences, focusing on connecting the body and mind, as well as increasing the flexibility of the spine. The session also includes some pranayama (breathing exercise) and meditation.
(Please dress appropriately for the yoga session. Yoga mats provided.)
Saturday 25th August 2018 3-4pm, or;
Saturday 25th August 2018 5-6pm
Cantonese, supplemented by English
L5 Sky Garden, Metroplaza, 223 Hing Fong Road, Kwai Chung
Terms & Conditions:
By registering for the workshops, you agree to the event Terms & Conditions.
Stay tuned to the Event Page for programme and event updates!
How to join the workshops?
Step 1: Download the Metroplaza smartphone app "MyLivingPass".
Step 2: Create a VIP Club account.
Step 3: Redeem your ticket to the workshop of your choice with 100 MP VIP Club points.